Increase in Mortality of Animals- A Bitter Truth

Increase in Mortality of Animals- A Bitter Truth

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Animal mortality is the death of animal individuals in the natural population. This is of two types of natural mortality and unnatural mortality. The natural mortality is the specific mortality due to ageing and controlled by natural methods/nature. The unnatural mortality is the actual loss of an individual under the circumstances created by man-made environment.

Reputed data reveals the mortality of various animals such as Bears, Bisons, Blackbucks, Cow calves, Deer, Elephants, Leopards, Monkey, Sheep, and Tigers are collected. Then data was analyzed to estimate the number of death cases and percentage. The lowest mortality was reported by the deer and monkey was 0.59 percent each and one each in number (Figure). The deer death was due to the ordinary fencing of the agricultural fields and the death of monkey due to the electric shocks

Everywhere the same problem continues between animals and the human beings. The reasons such as the lack of fodder, habitat destruction, forest degradation and destruction of feeding habitat for animal conflicts. To conserve this, human encroachment and human activities should be minimized and the forest area should be prevented from the human recreational activities and even safari's.


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