Diversity and Abundance of Birds

Diversity and Abundance of Birds

Mankind has been fascinated by birds, observed, used, painted, wrote and sung, kept in captivity, protected and gave them great respect, since the earliest times. Birds have been particularly important to the cultural, religious and aesthetic sides of human life from time immemorial.

A research were taken to know the behavior of birds in Dbla St.merry church at Eastern Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. 

...African White-backed vulture and Marabou disappear from the area. Following them most of the Hooded leave the site. The Sacred Ibis first left the feeding site and perch on the roof. Then starting from 17:20 h they were observed to fly to their roosting site. There was no consistency in the returning time of Pied Crow and Raven. Wattled Ibis and Kites were the last to depart from the church site.

The Dbla St.merry church has favorable places for birds to be around and a good access to food and water resources. These factors attract large number of bird species. The present study shows that Dbla St.merry church supports 21 species of birds belonging to four Orders and ten Families. Of these, three species of birds are endemic to the country.

During the study period, 11 dead and five injured birds were observed at different periods…………Do you want to check out the complete research….click here


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