Incredible Camouflage Tricks of Scorpion Fish

Incredible Camouflage Tricks of Scorpion Fish

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In this article we are talking about a fish that have incredible features, and because of these features increasing the range of people who adopt scorpion fish for their showcase. But the other side she is very dangerous is as she as pretty.

The scorpion fish is most closely related to the lionfish and is most commonly found in the Indian and South Pacific oceans. The scorpion fish are a family of mostly marine fish that includes many of the world's most venomous species. As the name suggests, scorpion fish have a type of “sting” in the form of sharp spines coated with venomous mucus. There are more than 200 recognized species of scorpion fish, hiding amongst the ocean reefs and in artificial aquariums around the world. Scorpion fish are kept in tanks by numerous people because of their interesting appearance and behavior.

Scorpion fish have the amazing Ability of hiding made possible by the feathery fins that help the scorpion fish to camouflage itself into the surrounding coral and the colors and markings of the scorpion fish are also used to help the scorpion fish to hide. Scorpion fish likes to hunt in night as scorpion fish is a nocturnal predator1 and her rest of the whole day spends in a surface of the coral as scorpion fish is best players of hide N seek.

  • Hunting Method

Most scorpion fish, such as the stonefish, wait in disguise for prey to pass them by before swallowing, while lionfish often ambush their prey. When not ambushing, lionfish may herd the fish, shrimp, or crab into a corner before swallowing. But the scorpion fish have quite cool method to capture the prey. They are suction feeders that capture prey by rapidly projecting a suction field generated by expansion of the fish's buccal cavity.

  • Feeding Process

Scorpion fish eats small fish, crustaceans and snails as they are omnivorous fish. Scorpion fish are able to stun their prey with their venom before eating it. Scorpion fish also use their venomous sting to forfend unwanted predators.

  • Life

The life span of scorpion fish is 12-15yrs. The female scorpion fish releases between 2,000 and 15,000 eggs into the water which are fertilized by the male scorpion fish. The scorpion fish pair them quickly and hide them too so that their eggs cannot spotted by predators that don’t wanna miss the effortless food. Interesting this is scorpion fish eggs hatch in just 2 days and the tiny scorpion fish fry remain near the surface of the water until they are bigger.

nocturnal predator1 : The animals who do hunting in night

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